Surface Analysis Lab Offers SEM Short Course: July 6 Aug 10, 2015
We are offering our annual Applied SEM short course starting the week of July 6 to August 10, 2015. The basic 5-week module will cover training on SEM imaging and EDS analysis using the Quanta 600F and hi-res imaging with the Helios Nanolab 650. An optional EBSD module is also offered for those who would need to do grain structure analysis on solid materials. We invite you to enroll and take this short course. For more information on enrolling follow the link below:
SEM Short Course 2015 SEM/EDS: July 6, 13, 20, 27 and Aug 3
EBSD: Aug 10 Cost: $385 (commercial: $770) for the whole course
Module 1. Basic SEM and EDS Analysis ($320 university; commercial $640): This is a practical short course in Scanning Electron Microscopy. The focus of the course will be on providing an applied understanding of basic theory of electron microscopy and microanalysis, while training students on the use of the FEI Quanta 600 and hi-res imaging in the FEI Helios Nanolab 650. (NOTE: The hi-res imaging lab in the the Helios does not constitute full training on FIB. A one-on-one training is still necessary to use the FIB for liftouts and TEM sample preparation.)
Consists of four (4) 1-hour long lectures and five (5) 2-hour labs TBD over a five week period.
Module 2. EBSD Analysis ($65 university; $130 commercial): Electron backscatter diffraction analysis allows for texture and grain structure studies on thin films and polished surfaces. This module will provide fundamental concepts of EBSD and training on basic operation and data analysis using the EDAX OIM system. Consists of one (1) 1-hour lecture and one (1) 2-hour lab.