On Campus Users – Cleanroom Access

Nanofab Cleanroom Orientation Procedures – On-Campus

We are excited to support your interest in using our cleanroom facility.  Our objective is to ensure you are successful in your activities.  Please carefully read and complete the following steps in the order listed.

Be aware there is a New Member Setup Fee assessed for each individual obtaining member access to the cleanroom.  The fee is charged to the project/chartfield included in the application.  As documented in the notes of the Utah Nanofab Cleanroom Rates, the fees are currently $150, $229, or $300 (On-Campus members, Off-Campus Academic members, or Industry members, respectively).

  • Sign Up as a New Member
  • Present a Process/Project Review (this step can be done in parallel with Step 1)
    • Prepare a description of your intended process, project, general activities, and/or needs and discuss it with our Process Review Team.
    • The Process Review Team meets via Zoom.  Send an email to Kathy Anderson kathy.anderson@utah.edu to schedule your presentation.
    • Scheduling can take up to a week depending on Staff availability.
    • Purpose:
      1. This discussion gives us the opportunity to better understand your needs before you enter the cleanroom.  It helps us understand any unusual materials or process steps you might be considering and how they match our capabilities.  It provides an opportunity for us to communicate feasibility, potential costs, scheduling, and additional resources outside our facility, if needed.  It also allows us to offer suggestions to increase likelihood for success and anticipate process and equipment training needs.
      2. The more information you can provide, the better we can assist. Suggested details include substrates, device structure by layer, general processing needs, and all materials/chemicals you anticipate using.  Use the Process Review Template below to prepare your presentation.
    •  Resources
      1. Process Review Template
      2. Any relative papers/projects from your research group
      3. Grant proposal that is funding your work
      4. Any other papers being used as references and examples of your proposed work
      5. UtahNanofab tool list
      6. Design a Process
  • Preliminary Self-Directed Safety Training
  • New Member Safety/Orientation Training, Safety Test & Lab Door Access
    • Training Session videos and Safety Test are on Canvas.
    • The Canvas Training Session videos are separate from the above Preliminary Self-Directed Safety Training videos.
    • The Safety Test is on a Canvas course titled Nanofab Cleanroom Orientation and Safety. Make sure to select the 70-question test named Membership Safety Training and Test.
    • Members must pass the test at 100% before access to the Cleanroom will be provided.
    • You are allowed to retake the test as many times as necessary.
    • Most answers can be found in the Lab User Guide; others may be in the Safety Videos.
    • Email the following information to Amy Lash amy.lash@utah.edu or Kathy Anderson kathy.anderson@utah.edu to obtain access to Canvas and lab door access. Your Ucard will be used to access the facility after your training is complete.
        1. First and Last Name
        2. UNID
        3. Email address
        4. Shoulder-height picture with a solid white or beige background
  • Complete a Facility Tour
    • After Steps 1 – 5 are complete, coordinate a Facility Tour with Kathy.
    • Kathy will provide your Nanofab ID Badge, enable your access card to unlock the Cleanroom entrance door, and give some additional instructions to ensure you are comfortable and aware of the cleanroom protocols and procedures.
  • Process/Equipment Training
    • Nanofab Staff provides all training on all equipment.  Only Nanofab Staff can authorize members for equipment use.
      • Observing an authorized person does NOT constitute training.
    • Lab members should only request training on the specific equipment needed for their research activities.  Go to: Request Equipment Training or Service | Utah Nanofab.  Fill out the form with your availability and other requested information.  Submit the form.  The tool owner will receive your training request and respond as soon as possible.
        • Training for supplemental tools is discouraged and may be subject to charges for Staff Technical Support.
        • It is strongly encouraged that the training be performed with actual device samples of the member – not dummy substrates.
    • Visit the equipment page and find the tool that you are going to be trained on.  Watch any videos and read any SOPs that are available.  Click here to access the equipment pages.
    • Training typically consists of two sessions:  a basic-training session and a follow-up session.
      • The member should read the equipment SOP found on the equipment page prior to the basic training session.
      • The basic training session is conducted by Nanofab Staff.  Safety precautions and proper equipment operations are described and demonstrated.  Members are encouraged to ask questions during this session.
      • The second session is a follow-up session where the member demonstrates the ability to operate the equipment competently with little intervention from Nanofab Staff.  Nanofab Staff will provide minimal assistance to ensure the safe and proper operation of the equipment, as necessary.  Nanofab Staff may also quiz the member being trained.
      • The follow-up session should be completed within one month of the basic-training session or the member may have to repeat the basic training session.
      • If the member fails to demonstrate the ability and knowledge to properly operate the equipment to Nanofab Staff, additional training sessions may be required.
      • At the discretion of Nanofab Staff, excessive training needs may result in charges for Staff Technical Support.
    • If a member does not use a piece of equipment for more than 1 year, authorization to use that equipment may be lost, and it may be necessary to repeat training on the equipment.

Statement of a Respectful Workplace

The Nanofab is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to high-quality research and learning.  As such, we expect a commitment from all members of the community (students, staff, faculty, and industrial visitors) to act in a manner based on courtesy, civility, mutual trust and respect.  All members of the community should be aware of the potential impact of their interactions, and strive to conduct themselves at the most professional level.

To promote a clean and safe atmosphere in the lab, we ask all community members to:

  1. READ
    Be familiar with the lab usage and safety policy.  Check the SDS of the chemicals you are working with for appropriate use and required personal protective equipment.  SOP’s are available online to familiarize yourself with the equipment you would like to be trained to use.
    You are responsible for the equipment and chemicals you use, and your personal protective clothing.  You are required to clean up after yourself.  If you don’t know how or where to dispose of something, ask the staff.  Label any chemical or experiment you need to leave unattended for any period of time.
    Treat the equipment/experiments in the lab how you would expect others to treat something of your very own.  If there is no label on the equipment/experiment, check with lab staff before disposing of it.  If you don’t know how to use a piece of equipment, get trained before trying to figure it out on your own.

If you observe someone failing to follow these guidelines, please help them in a kind manner to understand the correct lab policy.  Report continued misuse of the lab to a member of the lab staff.
