Utah Nanofab Preliminary Data Seed Fund Application

2nd Utah Nanofab Preliminary Data Seed Fund Application

Please note:

The Nanofab Preliminary Data Seed Fund is intended to provide up to three months of cleanroom and/or surface lab instrument access through user fees (or training plus two months) to stimulate more effective research grant proposals. It is possible to request up to 1/5th of the budgeted lab-use funds in the targeted formal research proposal as a seed grant. Typical requests are between $3k and $5k. 

This fast-response program is an open submission format and applies to academic users (on-campus only). Funds generously supplied through a Dean COE match to a VP-R TCP grant.

PI Details

or name of company

Designated User

This is the estimated time to complete the preliminary data.

Nanofab Access Requested Period

Please enter the dates for which Nanofab access is requested.
When do you need to begin your work? Leave time for account set-up and training. Coordinate with staff on service requests.
Please indicate here the due date for the RFP to which you will be responding.
Funding Agency and RFP#
Title of RFP
list the amount you are budgeting from the funding agency per year to support nanofab user fees. See rate sheet for annual cap rates. Separately budget use of Surface Lab, Electrical Characterization Lab, Microfluidics Lab, and Prototyping Lab
List the names of collaborators here.


Include how the Utah nanofab facilities will be used to help create this supporting data. Indicate masks if needed, or specialty materials such as wafers, precious metals, etc.
Why is the preliminary data critical to the success of the proposal, and what is the payback in future usage of the lab and in other benefits to the University and to the State if this proposal is funded?


Note: typical projects are between $3-$5k.

Budget for Supplies and Materials

Please note that this funding mechanism is primarily intended to facilitate use of the lab, not to acquire supplies and materials. This part of the budget should not exceed 10-20% of the total budget

Supply list found at:

Supply rates found at:

Quantity Part No. Desc. / URL Price Total

Budget for Lab Services

Please Include Lab Entry Rates and Other Associated Fees such as SEM or Characterization Fees

Fee tables located at:
Billing Rates Page

Some example services:
Setup Fee
Mask Making Charges
Professional Tech Support
Imaging Instrument Use

# Description Price


Approval of PI indicates that he/she will pay user fees on a normal monthly billing basis, but that the seed account will reimburse the user up to three months of all approved fees, upon demonstration of submission of the indicated proposals. Please type your chart field, or billing information, and your full name to indicate approval.
